Home > $26,317.00


May 1st, 2007 at 07:52 pm

I noticed that everyone was doing their net worth today, so i did mine too. The first of the month is an ideal time to do that.
My net worth increased $26,317.00 this past month. Most of it was due to the stock market, all of my mutual funds went up in value.
Plus i was able to increase my local savings account about $8000 due to my deposits and interest.
It has been a very nice day today!

3 Responses to “$26,317.00”

  1. librarylady Says:

    You are amazing! We can all learn a lesson from you. thanks for being a good role model!

  2. Aleta Says:

    Congratulations Ima. You're amazing.

  3. john Says:

    Wow..I want to do the same thing you are doing.

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