Home > A toilet seat for easter!!

A toilet seat for easter!!

April 8th, 2007 at 03:10 pm

My dh had to run to home depot this morning because his clorox ready mop quit working.
He came back with an easter present for me. A new toilet seat. Got to love him!! (He got the new mop too)

3 Responses to “A toilet seat for easter!!”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    On the face of it not the most romantic gift in the world but if the old seat was broken or tattered (or *shudder* wooden and giving you splinters) its a pretty thoughtful gift! A fully functioning bathroom is a good thing!

    Did he get it in a pretty easter colour?

  2. dwallyfam Says:

    Nothing says love and romance and Happy Easter like a new toilet seat.

  3. boomeyers Says:

    I am jealous! I need a new toilet seat too! Too bad my DH isn't so thoughtful!

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