Home > is winter coming back??

is winter coming back??

April 4th, 2007 at 02:46 pm

I just watched the weather. Everything is blooming here and looks so pretty. Now they are calling for below freezing weather for the next 5 days. Oh no, will that kill all the pretty buds and flowers?? Time to take OFF the shorts!!

6 Responses to “is winter coming back??”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    We just had a dramatic change in weather here in Delaware. It was 70 + degrees on Monday, now its raining heavily with temps a little above 60. I wish spring would come & stay soon.

  2. newlyfrugal Says:

    Yesterday here in WI it was in the low 50s and today it is 30 and snowing with a 40 mph wind. Yuck! I feel your pain for sure. Shorts? What are those? I haven't even thought about those since last September....

  3. Aleta Says:

    I don't know Ima: I just heard the same thing that it will be 50 degrees in South Florida on Easter day. That's cool for that time of year.

  4. nance Says:

    The apricot blossoms on my tree froze last week. The peach trees are also budding, and it was in the twenties last night. The trees should be okay unless it gets below about 28 degrees. Hope yours fare better than mine did.

  5. Nic Says:

    It's in the 80's here in SW Utah. Wish we had just a few more weeks of cool weather.

  6. daylily Says:

    Overnight all the foliage on my tulips wilted. I can take the damage to the tulips but I cannot take the damage to my new fern peony. It was a gift from DH last year for my birthday. If you are familiar with fern leaf peonies you will know that these are pricey. I just hope that it is not permanently damaged.

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