Home > Half way there!!

Half way there!!

February 13th, 2007 at 03:30 pm

Today is Feb. 13th. I would say we are about half way thru with winter. Now, that is a happy thought!!

4 Responses to “Half way there!!”

  1. monkeymama Says:


    I think winter in Cali is over. LOL. I was just wondering when winter officially ends. When does it? I think winter is pretty much over in this state though. Wink

  2. Lux Living Frugalis Says:

    I took a walk this morning - it is cold and very blustery here with the leaves being whirled up to the roofline. On that walk I saw two blue birds which for my state is HIGHLY UNUSUAL - I've seen maybe one other live blue bird in my life here and I'm no spring chicken. I also saw a very fat red robin which is much more of a spring is in the air indicator for us locally!

    Counting down the days!!

    Imagine that - a two blue bird day!! Wooo-hooo!!!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    Well, since I am looking out my window at blizzard conditions, I would like to think it is MORE than halfway over!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    The first day of spring is around March 21st!!

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