Home > 42 years ago today

42 years ago today

February 12th, 2007 at 04:53 pm

42 years ago today I eloped. Within the first year, I knew it was a mistake, but I think the person making the biggest mistake was my mother.
She did not like the man I was dating because he did not graduate from college. I was 20 years old then and a legal adult age was 21 back then.
I had won a full scholarship to college and was going completely free, except for my books.
At the time, I had finished the first half of my junior year.
In order to break us up, my mother took away the phone and my car, (which I had paid for, but could not yet be in my name because I was not 21)
She also withdrew me from college. Because I was only 20, I could do nothing about this, so I got a job.
I had to walk to work.
With no car and no college, I decided I might as well get married, so we did elope. (I was not old enough to marry in the state of florida, but I was in South Carolina)
I wonder how my life would have been different if I had finished college?

Well, after meeting my dh 30 years ago, life has been really good for me, so I am not complaining one bit!

4 Responses to “42 years ago today”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Happy anniversary!

    Wow, that's a very interesting story! Yes, isn't is amazing how the decisions we make now can have such profound impacts later on?

    I hope that, for the most part, I am making the best ones possible.

  2. finance girl Says:

    Wow, your Mother definitely made a mistake by doing that to you. It sounds like you were an on-track young woman then as well, so it really makes no sense why she would do that to you...I suppose it was her way of protecting you? How wonderful that you ended up meeting your dh eventually, wow what a story.

  3. KEALINA Says:

    i think your mom made a mistake too, but i'm glad that you ended up finding your DH and have a great life now...

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    good and bad...all lessons lead us to where we are today. You know, I believe that happened so that you would be a mentor to all those waitresses that you encourage daily....Who knows how many lives you've nudged in the right direction because of your moms really poor decisions!!

    and yes, you found your pot of gold at the end of your rainbow in that wonderful DH of yours!

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