Home > I just saved $36

I just saved $36

February 9th, 2007 at 02:54 pm

I love my long distance plan from a company called Lightyear. Although my dh calls his father long distance a lot, my bill is usually under $5 a month.
I got this past months bill and they are now charging $3 a month extra to send out a paper statement.
Even though I am no good at computers, I managed to figure out how to go to their site and sign up for automatic bill paying on my credit card.
That will save me $36 a year in extra charges!

2 Responses to “I just saved $36”

  1. sarah Says:

    This sounds very interesting. How does Lightyear work. Can anyone use it or do you need to live in a particular area.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Anyone can use it. I have had it about 10 years their customer service numbe is 1-800-337-0839.

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