Home > survey check

survey check

February 6th, 2007 at 02:31 pm

I received a survey check for $10 from nfo my survey. I ordered the check on Jan. 15th and it took 20 days to get here. Well, even if it was slow, it got here. That is the 3rd $10 check I have recieved from them the past few months. If anyone is interested in joining mysurvey and making money, send me your first name and your e mail address to my e mail address which is, juliedenski @ (and leave the spaces out)
Prev. total $3426.00
today 10.00
new total $3436.00

5 Responses to “survey check”

  1. LdyFaile Says:

    Hmm. It didn't seem to take that long last time I requested a check. Wonder if they have certain check cut days that they wait until to actually send out all requests. I think I'm eligible for one too this month but I'm not going to check until Saturday. I only check once a month on the 10th, it just makes it easier even though it means waiting. I did a Pinecone survey today so that means $5 in PayPal soon yay!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I don't know. I asked for the check on jan. 15th, but they did not cut the check until Jan.31st.

  3. Mary Ann Says:

    Ima, I joined a couple weeks ago through your link. So far in about three weeks time I have only got a total of 80 points. Is that normal? I have done surveys that have been available for me. Just wondering if I am doing okay on my points!

  4. icantsave Says:

    Mary Ann...those surveys come out based on your age and interest. Sometimes I get several a month and other times not many at all.

  5. icantsave Says:

    Oh and I'm still hoping for the banner for the Pinecone survey site.

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