Home > Ugh, a puppy bath

Ugh, a puppy bath

January 12th, 2007 at 02:10 pm

My little Holly had some problems this morning. She gets groomed once an month and has her anal glands "expressed" The groomer had to cancel last month and had not been well enough to go back to work.
So Holly had a problem last night and required a bath this morning.
Now I know why I pay the groomer $32 to bath and clip her. She was not a happy camper at all.
Luckily my dh stayed home and helped me. It takes two people to bathe that 6 pound dog. Gosh she is a tough little puppy to handle, but I love her.

3 Responses to “Ugh, a puppy bath”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Anal glands expressed????

    I dun' even want to ask!! {said in my best Ricky Ricardo voice!

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    don't worry, Lux, i'd never heard of it either before watching an episode of "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe" on the discovery channel. and yeah, if you don't already know, you don't wanna!!!

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I don't think all dogs have that problem, but poodles do! Yes, it is what you are thinking!!

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