Home > My wonderful husband

My wonderful husband

January 6th, 2007 at 06:17 pm

It is a pretty day and I am just thinking about my wonderful husband. He has always been such a hard worker.
I think that is why we have all the things we have. He has never worked a 5 day, 40 hour week.
Even though, for many years, he never made decent money, he always worked long hours to make up for it.
We got used to eating dinner at 10 at night because he would work from 8 am til 9 pm.
He has always worked 6, ususally 7 days a week.
when I worked at the restaurant, I was head waitress. What that means is, when someone calls in sick, you work their shift. So, I know what it it like to start work at 9 am and work til 10 or 11 pm.
When I left this job is was because my husband wanted me to stay home with him in the evening. I only made between $20-$40 a day, so he decided to work even longer hours so i would not have to work.
Now, maybe you know why I indulge him when he wants a fancy car. He is worth it!!

5 Responses to “My wonderful husband”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe. That's so nice of you to think of your husband like that.

    I certainly admire the man's work ethics too. That's A-OK in my book!

  2. monkeymama Says:

    Sounds like a keeper!

  3. marymara Says:

    Give him lots of hugs and kisses tonight..........advice from a widow who would die for fifteen minutes with her husband.

  4. ladymiller Says:

    A real blessing! Thanks for sharing!

  5. sicilyyoder Says:

    He is such a hard worker!!!! Thats alot of hours. I have a friend that builds homes, and he eanred $50,000 last year- thats it for working Sunday-Friday- 10 hour days. Its alot fo hard work. $40.00 isn't enough to waitress for 8 hours. Did you have to stay after your shift and roll sivlerware, etc. Years ago( and much energy ago) I worked at a restaurant as a waitress and made $20 a day in tips and it took me 2 hours to do my, "outs",- I hated that part of it- so I'm sure glad, for my research, I decided to interview most folks.

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