Home > $6 steak dinner

$6 steak dinner

January 5th, 2007 at 07:19 pm

I just got back from making a bank deposit and picking up a few things. I got two items at Ingles, coupons for both, for a saving of $1.25.
I then got my hair coloring with a coupon for $2 off. Before I started the challenge last year, I always paid full price and never looked in the drug store flyer. Now, I notice that rite aid has the brand I use on sale about once every two months.
I went to Bi Lo to get eggs(the ones my husband likes) and they had n.y. strip steak on sale. I got 4 nice big steaks for $12, enough for 2 meals. That was a savings of $8. all in all, I saved $11 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $1402.00
today 11.00
new total $1413.00

2 Responses to “$6 steak dinner”

  1. Aleta Says:

    That was a good price on the New York strips. When I see hair coloring on sale, I usually pick up two of them. Good for you.

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Definitely a nice price! I love steak smothered in mushrooms and onion and Peter Lugar Steak Sauce! MMMMMmmmm!!!!

    Nice chunk of change you added to your 20 dollar change!Smile

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