Home > And we are off!!

And we are off!!

January 2nd, 2007 at 02:46 pm

Well, we are all excited about the new $20 challenge for 2007. I started my new year by eating at home.
One of you asked why i eat out so much instead of saving the money and eating home. Well, number 1, I really don't like to cook and number 2. I hate tv. It seems like the tv is always on when we eat. (dh likes to watch)
But mostly it is because my husband works long hours, 7 days a week. When he comes home in the evening, we like to go out, on a date.
We brown bag our liquor and set ups, so there is no charge for that. We have a long leisurely dinner, for at least 2 hours and we sit and talk the whole time.
I know it is wasting money, but it is our entertainment. We don't go to movies, or bowl, or play poker, etc. etc.
We just enjoy dining out.
We do get inexpensive meals, usually spending $20 or less.
We could not afford this when we were young, but now we can. I don't spend much on groceries, obviously.
Anyway we saved $20 staying home last night, so I will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $22.00
today 20.00
new total $42.00

4 Responses to “And we are off!!”

  1. robex Says:

    My dh and I love to eat out! We did it constantly before having kids and have severely cut back...maybe twice a month now.

    Once our mortgage is paid off I am sure we'll eat out more often. Our priorities shift and re-shift, don't they?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Yes, they do. and our mortgage is paid off, so we splurge on this.

  3. nance Says:

    There is your answer to not buying from home shopping channels!
    Keep telling yourself you hate tv, and don't turn it on.
    Listen to talk radio instead. You can get a lot more done with the radio on, than by watching tv.
    You could save twenty dollars a week, by turning off the tv, and having a nice candlelight dinner at home one night a week. Turn on some nice music, and enjoy!

  4. baselle Says:

    It sounds like you get a lot of value out of your restaurant meals - don't apologize! Big Grin

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