Home > Balancing the check book

Balancing the check book

October 13th, 2006 at 07:34 pm

I have been balancing the checkbooks this afternoon. I am such a nerd, that I actually enjoy it. We actually have 4 checking accounts, but 2 are money markets, so they are easy.
The business one is the hardest. I talked to someone the other day who said she had never balanced a check book in her life.
Gosh, that is hard to believe, I have to have mine correct to the penny!
Haven't been spending any money lately except for eating out. I did walk a mile and get in my 20 flights of stairs, so that is another $2 to my challenge money.
prev. total $16,490.00
today 2.00
new total $16,492.00

3 Responses to “Balancing the check book”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Sometimes balancing the checkbook can be a journey to adventure....I sometimes forget to put something down and spend hours trying to figure things out.... Good for you Julie!!!Smile

  2. Gruntina Says:

    I admit, I also like to balance my checkbook and often do not like to leave work knowing that it’s balanced. But I have to admit, it’s not to the penny. I have not included any dividends to my balance because I want to use that as a balance I pretend its not there (only regular checking account). I do not know if that is a terrible idea but it was something that helped my fears from my past living with my mom.

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Nerd alert! Wink

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