Home > Saving on sunday's dinner

Saving on sunday's dinner

September 22nd, 2006 at 10:37 pm

Bi lo has N.Y. strip steak on sale this week, so I got two for our sunday dinner. I also picked up some of my favorite cookies, which are on sale for about 60 cents a package. I saved $4 at the store today, so i will add that to my challenge money.
Prev. total $16,376.00
today 4.00
new total $16,380.00

4 Responses to “Saving on sunday's dinner”

  1. mjrube94 Says:


    Do your or your husband use Prilosec? I remember reading it in a post, and thought it was yours. If so, let me know...I received a coupon today for 1 free 14-count Prilosec OTC (exp 12/31/06), and I'd be happy to send it on to you...

  2. ima saver Says:

    Yes, my dh takes it every day, I would love it, thanks!!

  3. mjrube94 Says:

    PM me your address and I'll send it right out...

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I don't know how to pm. I tried to e mail you, but I couldn't do that either. If you will e mail me, I will send you back my mailing address:
    My e mail address is (Sorry, new to computers)

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