Home > A property tax shocker!

A property tax shocker!

September 22nd, 2006 at 08:51 pm

They reassessed all the property in our county. I got the assessment in the mail today and it was a shocked. My house has doubled in value since they last assessed it! I guess that means my property tax is going to double too.
I guess I should not complain, most of you pay much higher taxes than I do.

6 Responses to “A property tax shocker!”

  1. Boefiexpa Says:

    Ima, I pat about $1,200 a year for .1 acre 1800 SF house valued at about 160K on the evalution paperwork! (Though it appraised for 200K, but I'm not telling them that!)

    It's sad, I can spit on my neighbors house, but California is worse, so I know it can be worse!

  2. MoneyHoney Says:

    And, as far as I know, there's no way to economize on property taxes, short of moving!

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Folks around here Are getting nailed with higher taxes as well. I hope the increase is not too terrible! All the best!Smile

  4. JanH Says:

    After Hurricane Rita, our property value mysteriously dropped quite a bit. Then they told us it was due to damage from the storm for so many homes. So our property isn't worth as much. Going to be interesting to see how all the various taxes pan out in the long run. This area is going to be unusual cos our value and our taxes are dropping instead of the steady climb we have had. Weird.

  5. ima saver Says:

    I can see why some people would move. i talked to a lady paying $1100 a month in Florida. That is about $14,000 a year. My tax value went from $220,000 to $420,000 and I think my tax will be just under $3000.

  6. LuckyRobin Says:

    My parents get a break on their property taxes because they are senior citizins living on a fixed income. Since all their wealth is in their IRA's and in the house and they only live on interest income, they don't charge them the full rate. I don't know if this is true everywhere, but you might look into it if they are really high. But since your husband is still generating an income this may not apply in your situation.

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