Home > slow meter

slow meter

September 16th, 2006 at 03:40 pm

I have been reading and writing down the readings on my electric meter all summer long. The past two days has been the lowest usage for the past three months, only 21 kilowatts each day.
It is nice to know that our electric bill will start going down now and i can add that to my challenge money.

4 Responses to “slow meter”

  1. Kris10leigh Says:

    I'm looking forward to the slow down too. I opened our windows and turned off the air 2 days ago, but poor DH woke up horribly congested, so we had to close them again. Allegeries keep our A/C going. It's frustrating when the temp. outside is 68, but we have to run the A/C to cool the house to 72 because we have the windows shut. But, it isn't running hard anymore.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I wish I could open my windows, but i have no screens on them.

  3. kadunk Says:

    September and April/May are always the lowest utility-bill months for us, too.

    In September, we've turned off the A/C but haven't turned off the heat yet.

    And in April/May, the opposite!

    My DH has allergy troubles, too. I open the windows while he's at work but once he gets home we button up. Fortunately his allergies are minor enough that this solution works for us.

  4. Bookie Says:

    August electric bill came in at $39. So far September has required neither heat nor A/C, so I should be under $30 for the month. I'm in an older building, well-insulated with screened windows and built-in storm windows as well.

    I love this time of year. Smile

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