Home > I think I got gypped!

I think I got gypped!

September 11th, 2006 at 05:46 pm

We ate at TGIFriday's, friday night. The next day I looked at the bill; I paid $7.99 tax on a $40 tab. That is 20%, so i called them and was told that that is what sevier county charged for everything, 20%!!
The next night, I ate somewhere else, this time my tax was a little over $5 on an $82 tab. No where near 20% not even 10%!!
I would have never done this before I joined this forum, but I am writing to the manager, sending the two bills, and asking for a refund of the overpaid tax. Wish me luck!
(By the way, I did tip the girl $10 on the first check, so I am not being a cheap skate)

5 Responses to “I think I got gypped!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Go get em Julie...20% is ridiculous!

  2. claire Says:

    I used to use the word "gyp" too until somebody pointed out to me that it's actually pretty racist because it comes from the stereotype that gypsies (Roma people) are theives.

    Just thought I'd very gently invite you, too, to stop using this word.

    Good luck getting your money back!

  3. jodi Says:

    20%?? That's awful! Did they somehow "add" the gratuity on in the form of a tax?
    At the restaurant I had my rehearsal dinner at, they told me there would be a 15% "service charge". I assumed this to be the tip. At the dinner, I found out that this was for the cooks and setting up the buffet! I was expected to leave ANOTHER 15-20% on top of it. I was so mad, but the servers were very understanding - they told me they were paid very well and not to worry about it. Anyway, sometimes charges appear to be one thing when they really are something else. I wonder how many people they do this too and get away with it. Good for you for calling them on it.

  4. yummy64 Says:

    Could the restaurants be in different counties? Your local town hall (or the one where the restaurant is can likely confirm the taxes to you.

    If I was really ticked off (after doing research to find out what really should be happening) I'd be tempted to send an note good via ole fashioned snail mail to the restaurant's head office with a cc to the local council/state tax authority voicing my concern and upset at benig charged too much. Those are taken even more seriously than email I think. And it has to be illegal to charge a different amount of tax than that required in a jurisdiction.

    I have no time for large corporations that think they are above the law. IF you can't tell from my tone *grins*

    I'll be interested to see how it resolves.

  5. Ima saver Says:

    Sorry, I will quit using that word. I never though of gypsies.

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