Home > Turning the heat on?

Turning the heat on?

September 6th, 2006 at 10:07 pm

My hsband has just about finished a house (she needs shower doors) and the lady is moving in and going to spend the night, tonight.
So, she wanted the a/c heat installer to come by and hook her up, so she can run the heat tonight.
I am sitting here in shorts and 80 degrees wondering why she is going to run the heat tonight?? (She is in her 80's)

1 Responses to “Turning the heat on?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Older people get cold easier than younger, due to their losing fat content and their skin getting thinner. The older you get the more you are unable to regulate your body temperature. I guess she's just used to turning up the thermostat instead of putting on more clothing.

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