Home > Net worth

Net worth

September 1st, 2006 at 05:12 pm

The end of the month, I do a sheet on our net worth. Not really total net worth, but I keep a list of mutual funds, IRA's and stocks and I update the totals once a month.
I don't add in the cash in savings and money markets, because mine goes DOWN every month. I know that is NOT what it is supposed to do, but the only time my savings goes up is when we have a closing on the house we have been building. The rest of the time, I am taking money out to pay the construction bills.
I am happy to report that my mutual funds, ira's and stocks increased about $7000 last month.
Does anyone else keep monthly checks on their stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc?

2 Responses to “Net worth”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Absolutely Ima - I'm a daily checker. Takes me about 5 minutes each morning and I get a lot of satisfaction out of tracking the ups and downs. I'm not overly emotional about any of it - as in, I'm not going to jump in and out of the market over a slump - but I do like to keep a log.

    Fidelity brokerage is really easy to do this with as they have Full View which allows you to input all of your accounts w/them and elsewhere and it pulls the info in and calculates for you. I log them each seperately but it also gives total net worth as well. Cool!

  2. boomeyers Says:

    No, and I should!

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