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She asked me how I wanted it!

August 24th, 2006 at 03:28 pm

I closed a savings account yesterday (almost) and took out the 107K I had in there to take to a bank a block away offering 5.25%.
I thought it was so funny when the teller asked me how I wanted it??
Of course, I said cash!! I would have loved to have a shopping bag full of hundreds!!
But all I got was a check!
I wonder if you can get large amounts of cash ??

8 Responses to “She asked me how I wanted it!”

  1. veronak Says:

    Most banks that I know of ususally will give you a check and if you aks for cash you will not be able to pick up the same day, but if you need any help at all I am free for a small fee Wink Just joking

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You could get cash, but the IRS wants a nice report on it when you do....and as veronak says, you'd have to give the band a fair amount of time to order it in....just be sure to take a wagon and some sturdy pillowcases when you go!!! lol

  3. ima saver Says:

    Thanks for the info! I really did not want cash, I was only kidding the teller. I should have said, quarters!!

  4. Bookie Says:

    "Small, unmarked bills" has a nice ring to it. Smile

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    Ray, how come the IRS wants a report on it?

  6. LuxLiving Says:

    I'm not Ray, but I think the IRS thing has something to do with gunrunners and drug smugglers.

    Ima, you're not running bootleg whiskey across the state line are you???

    Still say that bank were big old goobers to not try to keep you 'more satisfied' by upping their interest! If I were their boss - I'd be wanting to hear the reason why I wasn't called!!

  7. homebody Says:

    I thought that was just cash deposits of $10,000 and over that was reported to the IRS not withdrawals, but I could be wrong.

  8. mariannej Says:

    Sorry. Coming in late. I used to be in charge of doing all this type of reporting at a bank I worked for about 10 years ago. I don't remember all that clearly, but I do know there was a short form to be filled out at $3k and then a longer form for anything at or over $10k. Basically, you can't move anything over $2999 in or out without the government knowing about it...or that used to be the case. EmbarrassmentP

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