I have felt badly the past several months because all my cash has been sitting in 2 different accounts, each earning about 4%.
I keep watch the topic that lists the different on line banks and the good rates they are paying.
I wanted to open an account, so i could get at least 5% on my savings, but I hesitated because I need this cash to build this spec house and it is handy to be able to transfer the money locally.
Yesterday, a new ad in the paper, our local bank is offering a new money market account that pays 5.25%
I was there at 9 am this morning when the bank opened to close one account, (well I left $600 in here so I won't lose the interest) and went an opened a new account!!
I am tickled about this!!
Opened a new account
August 23rd, 2006 at 10:18 pm
August 23rd, 2006 at 11:09 pm 1156370995
August 24th, 2006 at 02:27 am 1156382869
I bet heads will roll when Big Guns find you've gone!!
BUT, good for you!!!