Home > Katydids


August 22nd, 2006 at 03:42 pm

We stayed home last night so dh could get the grass cut. I fixed supper but before we ate, we sat outside listening to the creek and the crickets.
dh mentioned that there were no nosy katydids last night, also no lightening bugs. I guess that means summer is coming to an end.
However we still have summer's heat!
We stayed home, ate in, so I can add $20 to my challenge money.
Prev. total $10,584.00
today 20.00
new total $10,604.00

1 Responses to “Katydids”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    And Dear Mr. Pesky didn't get to interrupt your meal! YEAH!!

    We've got a creek too that runs right thru our land. Small but it makes the backyard rather parklike!

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