Home > Saved $150

Saved $150

August 19th, 2006 at 08:50 pm

Ihad a colonoscopy done a while back and it was much more expensive than the first one. This one was over $2000 and I have no insurance.
I got the pathologist's bill for $500, so i wrote and asked if they accepted master charge.
I just got a letter back saying no, they don't, but I can make whatever payment is comfortable for me, every month.
Plus, the lowered the bill from $500 to $350, so i saved $150. I will add that to my challenge account cause I have a medical envelope with money in it. ( I was going to charge it to get the 1% back in cash)
prev. total $10,432.00
today 150.00
new total $10,582.00

2 Responses to “Saved $150”

  1. Eve15 Says:

    My mother 57 is due for a colonoscopy because she is having major problems, she does not have insurance either. How were you able to have them lower your bill?

    I keep nagging her to get it down, but she is a very stubborn woman!

  2. ima saver Says:

    I would just have her tell them she does not have insurance and ask if they will lower it. My husband needed a procedure that cost $1300. When we said we had no insurance but would pay by check, they lowered it to $850.

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