Home > Dolphins don't get wrinkles

Dolphins don't get wrinkles

August 19th, 2006 at 02:57 pm

I just heard on tv, that dolphins shed their skin as often as every two hours. so, they never get wrinkles. I wish that would happen to me. I have never spent much money on make up, but one thing I have used all my life is ponds cold cream.
I think it has helped, I have very few wrinkles.
I did order some wrinkle cream from QVC after hearing about how great it worked. I tried it, nothing happened.
I sent it back and got my $20 refund. I did the same for some pills I ordered. I am tired of paying for products that really don't work!
From now on, I am getting my money back.

2 Responses to “Dolphins don't get wrinkles”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Ima, my mom is 67 in a few days and has wrinkles and I still think she is beautiful. She held off on wrinkles for years with plain old Oil of Olay but when they did hit her, it didn't matter. Everyone who knows her thinks it has added to her appearance and not taken away from it at all.

    As kind as you are to everyone around here, I'm betting your wrinkles only help to make you more beautiful, too.

  2. ima saver Says:

    What a sweet thing to say, thank you for making my day!!

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