Home > Wow, so many blogs!

Wow, so many blogs!

August 18th, 2006 at 09:24 pm

Is it my imagination, or are we getting a lot more blogs these days? I always spent the first part of my morning reading them, but now every time I come back to the computer, there are a dozen more! I appreciate all the tips, I just wish some of them could be combined! I hate to skip any of the blogs!

2 Responses to “Wow, so many blogs!”

  1. mschluckbier Says:

    I have to agree Julie, I try and keep my postings down to 3 or so a day, but I noticed today especially it seems like ALOT of posts that could be condensed into one are up. It's crazy! LOL!

  2. PRICEPLUS Says:

    This place is sure filling up with folks these days!

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