Home > Myrtle the turtle

Myrtle the turtle

August 10th, 2006 at 08:17 pm

When I first moved to this area, I use to see lots of turtles crossing the road. The locals seem to get a kick out of running over them and killing them. (they like to throw puppies and kittens in the dumpsters too)
Now, I hardly ever see a turtle cross the road. Today, I did, so I turned around and came back.
I just dared any of those fast drivers to run over my turtle while I waited for them to pass me. I got the turtle, put in in my vette and brought it home. Holly has never seen one, so she is barking at poor Myrtle.
After I while, i will carry her down to the creek and hope she stays in my yard and stays safe!

6 Responses to “Myrtle the turtle”

  1. Gruntina Says:

    hearing of people killing turtles and throw puppies and kittens in the dumpsters breaks my heart!!!

    Where I live, there is two animal shelter progam Hopalong and Safe Haven. Its very diffrent from Humane Society and they find foster parents to watch over the animals while the agency does advertisements and so on to find homes for the pets. There is no kill policy and if people for some reason can not keep their pet, they can drop them off there with no questions asked. Its so hard to see people killing animals in this area when we actully have two convienent solutions for them.

  2. Bookie Says:

    That was a nice thing to do, Ima.

  3. ima saver Says:

    The locals have a weird mind set. Thank goodness, the Florida people have set up humane societies here now. They have a no kill policy too unless the dog is very ill.

  4. jacquelynrose Says:

    Oh that is a horrible thing that people are doing! That was sweet of you to do that. Smile


  5. Kris10leigh Says:

    That's horrible!

    I love the name! Hopefully she will enjoy her new home!

  6. Over My Head Says:

    That was a nice thing to do. I have a soft spot for all animals and I have helped many turtles, birds, a few cats, and a dog that I have found on the side of roads. I have taken them into my home and then found homes for them or taken them to the wildlife refuge center. My goal is in three to four years to move to North Carolina on at least 2 acres and one day start my own wildlife refuge when I retire. I think people who would purposely hurt an animal are evil people who are probably abusive to humans as well.

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