Home > Lasagna


August 7th, 2006 at 03:04 pm

I am going to actually make dinner tonight. The going without spending money last week, has made me think about cutting down on my eating out.
I realized that I started eating out so much in the winter time. It gets dark by 5:30 so my husband gets home about that time. It is depressing to me in the winter because of the darkness, so we started going out to eat every night.
I was thinking that since it is still light out til about 8:30, I could get use to staying home more often until the time changes.
I am going to make lasagna, something I have not made in over 2 years. (when I started my low carb diet) I hope I remember how to make!!

3 Responses to “Lasagna”

  1. annab Says:

    I want lasagne now. Frown

  2. boomeyers Says:

    Good luck! We are having lagagna tomorrow night! Yum!

  3. ima saver Says:

    Come on over!!

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