Home > Crummy evening

Crummy evening

August 5th, 2006 at 01:34 pm

I had a crummy evening last night. I stayed home all day, so i was really looking forward to going out last night. We had only been sitting down for 5 minutes when in walked " the couple from hell" Of course, they wanted to join us for dinner, just like they do everytime.
We eat at the same place every night, our car stands out in a crowd.
Once, we tried eating someplace else, but they found us anyway.
He drops in once or twice a week to visit with us while we are eating dinner, but when he brings his wife, they are there for the night.
I am sorry, I try to be a nice person, but they are the most boring people in the world.
Plus, I think it is rude, to just show up and join people for dinner. (constantly)
We can't tell them no because my husband is going to build them a house.
Did you ever see Archie bunker holding his finger to his head (like a pretend gun) while Edith is babbling on and on and on.
that is how I feel when they show up.
thanks for letting me vent!!!!

6 Responses to “Crummy evening”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I bet you will be happy when that house is built and you don't have to be quite as kind. They sound like rude, overbearing people.

  2. campfrugal Says:

    You should borrow the neighbors car for your regular night out, then when they can't find your car, maybe they will get the hint. Or, maybe try a diffferent restaurant . Just a suggestion.

  3. LittleGopher Says:

    What a spot to be in! Hope that house gets built soon (and not in your neighborhood.) Take care!!

  4. ima saver Says:

    Thanks goodness, they are not in our neighborhood. We have tried a different restaurant and they find us anyway. (small town) I guess we will move to another state.

  5. retire@50 Says:

    perhaps you could move your dinner time up and hour or put it back an hour.

  6. LuxLiving Says:

    Oh Ima!! YIKES!!! I had a NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR like this!! I can soooo relate!! She'd knock on the door and come in and be there for hours on end!! OMYGOSH did I move? Oh yeah, as soon as we could. But before that I had my husband install opaque glass on my garage doors so she couldn't see if my car was in the garage. Boy did I get good at driving thru the neighboorhood so as to not pass in front of her house, peeling up the drive while having opened the automatic garage door opener while still around the corner and slamming that puppy shut before you could say boo-boo kitty! Curtains kept shut when I prefer the sunshine! Whatever I could do to keep away from her! She drove me insane!!

    I think Retire@50 has it right -- go out earlier or later - or how about home delivery of pizza or call your meals in for pickup and then just eat the take-out at home??

    As soon as that house sells I'd be telling them that we were in the middle of a private conversation and need a little privacy-EVERY NIGHT! Does this restaraunt have tables for two??? This would almost tempt me to get up, excuse myself and leave my meal sitting on the table. Do you think they'd get the hint when you never came back?????

    Enough to make a fruGAL stay home -- almost!!

    Good luck with this!!


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