Home > Insulation


July 1st, 2006 at 09:37 pm

My husband is a builder and really believes in insulating a house well. Georgia has never had any building codes, so many of the builders put as little insulation in a house as they could get away with. The poor owners will have to pay high power bills the rest of their lives.
I have my house temp set at 76 degrees. Although it has been 90 all day outside, it (the a/c) just ran for the first time today. It is nice to have a well insulated house and it saves money too.

1 Responses to “Insulation”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    It really does. I was able to turn the furnace off at the beginning of April this year and don't imagine I will need to turn it on again until mid-November because the house holds heat so well in Spring and Fall. Of course, it also holds heat well in summer unless we have the fans going all night and then it holds the coolness in until about one or two in the afternoon. I think it would be longer but we have two big skylights and the sun coming in there heats it up faster. But with the skylights we save on our light bill, also, so its a toss up.

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