Home > Still reading the meter

Still reading the meter

June 25th, 2006 at 03:49 pm

I am reading the meter several times a day. I have concluded it costs (me) about 55 cents to run the dishwasher and about 30 cents to run the dryer for 40 minutes. I do run the dishwasher using the no heat cycle. I use to run the dishwasher every other day, but now I will only run it every three days, unless it is completely full.
It is raining here today so that means it is cooler. It also means I have a scared wet dog locked up in the garage.
Oh by the way, my cost per kwh is about .091 cents.

3 Responses to “Still reading the meter”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Those are some interesting facts! I guess I will have to spend some time looking at my meter too! Thanks for the info! How old are your appliances?

  2. yummy64 Says:

    Food for thought. How would it affect your energy usage if you turned down the temperature on your hot water heater by 1 degree? If you are routinely adding cold water to things you might be able to save a bit that way. I'm not talking luke warm. Just not quite so scaling hot.

    Have you changed totally over to the energy saving light bulbs?

    Ignore me of course if you are way ahead of me on this. You probably are. I'm just in a typish mood today

  3. ima saver Says:

    I am ashamed to say I have not switched to the energy saving bulbs. I keep my hot water heater turned off all the time except when running the dishwasher or taking a shower. My appliances are 10 years old.

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