Home > 76 degrees

76 degrees

June 19th, 2006 at 06:34 pm

Ok, it is 76 here in my exercise room. This is where I spend most of my day. The computer is in here too. I am going to try and do better about my elec. bill cause every dollar I save from my monthly budget of $160 is money I can put in my challenge. This room needs a/c on all day, to make it bearable. I have a big floor fan on right now, and it is helping! Of course this room is upstairs (heat rises) and my treadmill is right in front of the window and gets the afternoon son.
If I ever move, I will plan a cooler place to put my treadmill.

2 Responses to “76 degrees”

  1. miclason Says:

    do you have blackoout curtains?? if so, try to keep them closed from 11am-2:30pm (the hottest hours) so that the room doesn't heat up as much!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Not a single curtain in the house. I have big anderson windows with fancy trim that my husband made, and I don't want to hide any of the windows!! Our hottest time seems to be from 4-7 pm.

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