Home > QVC


June 17th, 2006 at 04:05 pm

That is my downfall. I watch tv when I walk on my treadmill. Since there is nothing I really like to watch, I tend to turn on QVC and Home Shopping. I just ordered a really cute solar powered butterfly to put out on the deck over the creek! Bad , Bad!!

2 Responses to “QVC”

  1. financejunkie Says:

    Best thing to do is:

    Whenever you find the urge to buy something on QVC, check out and chances are you'll get an identical or almost identical product at about 7% or more less (shipping and everything included).

    QVC compensates for the fact that amazon and other websites are cheaper by having the sales people pump up or hype the products and make you feel that you're going to loose out on the deal if you don't call in 20 minutes.

    Finance Junkie

  2. Granny Raquel Says:

    Well, who doesn't succumb to temptation now and then? Is it really about willpower, not to buy the first thing you see offered at a "sale" or "priced right" on television? I think this has to do more with a will to pamper yourself, like when you fell like getting that flashy broche that you thought it was overpriced at Bloomingdales's or Zach's.

    After all, who cares? If buying makes you happy, and getting in debt does not bother you much, go for it!

    QVC, here I come...Smile Wonder what is going to be shown next...Smile
    Granny Raquel

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