Home > It is over!!

It is over!!

June 15th, 2006 at 08:15 pm

My two day ordeal is over and I feel good. They found and removed 2 polyps and found I had diverticulosis. I wasn't given anything for it, so I assume it was not serious.
I have a no spend day except for the bill I occured and have slept most of the afternoon.

5 Responses to “It is over!!”

  1. miclason Says:

    that's great news! Hope you're soon feeling much better!

  2. ima saver Says:


  3. fern Says:

    Yes, good news. I'm glad you're feeling so relieved.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I am glad the ordeal is now in the past....and that your results were good! Now you can get back into the swing of things!! (Is DH taking you to dinner??)

  5. Carolina Bound Says:

    So glad it's all over! Such a relief, isn't it?

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