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spent money today

June 13th, 2006 at 07:06 pm

I just got back from the hospital. I am going in for a colonoscopy on Thurs. morning so I had to go and pick up the prep kit for it. Do you guys know how much i am going to have to drink tomorrow?
I know it is a smart thing to do, but it is expensive and I have no insurance. I had it done 2 years ago and it was $400 for the hospital. Today it is $900 and that does not count the doctor fee.
I put $500 on my credit card, but I used the wrong card. I am so mad at myself. I just got a new card with 0 interest and 1% cash back, but I pulled out my old card by mistake. Darn!!

2 Responses to “spent money today”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    can you call them and have them change the card?? there must be a way!

  2. ima saver Says:

    Ok, it is ok, I get money back from state farm on my insurance. It is only 5 dollars and I have the money to pay it right off, so I am ok!

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