Home > My name on the cash register

My name on the cash register

June 13th, 2006 at 01:18 pm

We went to our usual place to eat last night. i almost always order the same thing every night.
The restaurant just switched to a computer system where each waitress punches in the order they just took.
To my surprise, they had put me on the computer.
My ticket last night read "Julie's usual" Pretty neat, huh??

4 Responses to “My name on the cash register”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Big Grin See, there is something to be said about being a regular.

    Back in the day, I used to buy mocha's everyday at the same little coffee shop...and they actually named it 'Ray's ususal'...(I had them tweak the ingredients just a little)...anyone from my job could go there and order one using my yes, it is pretty neat!!

  2. veronak Says:

    That is customer's service, how nice

  3. ima saver Says:

    So there is now a ray's usual and a julie's usual

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    well, there used to be a Ray's usual...they actually sold to a new owner and then a yucky, smoky bar bought the location (sacriledge!!)

    I hope they didnt have to sell because I became frugal... :/

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