Home > Christmas shopping!!

Christmas shopping!!

June 9th, 2006 at 04:45 pm

I bought my first christmas present today, two pair of jeans for dh. He has been needing them for a while, but I just haven't ordered them.
Now he is wearing shorts, so I will give them to him for christmas.
I usually get his jeans at Walmart, but the last time we looked they had none his size and his inseam.
He has lost almost 40 pounds and has a 34 inch waist. For some reason, I can't find them with a 29 inch inseam.
So I ordered from Penny's, but they were on sale for $22.
It is so hard to buy for christmas any more because there is nothing we need. (Food is a favorite present)

1 Responses to “Christmas shopping!!”

  1. eisor Says:

    My family is the same way about birthdays, christmas, etc. None of us really need anything. We always just end up doing something simple and small. My mom occasionally needs clothes, my dad every christmas usually needs new socks. One time I got bulk pack of razor blades for christmas. They were expensive but, a need!! Smile They lasted me sooo long. But, I get what you are saying. It's hard though because my boyfriend's family always gives gifts. His sister gave me a bunch of stuff I didn't need. (Sadly, I regifted some of it and the rest just sits there.) Also, a really close friend of my boyfriend gave me a scarf set. I like it and use it, but I already have like three and really didn't need a new one.

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