Home > moles


June 8th, 2006 at 02:34 pm

We have had a problem with moles in our yard for years. We finally asked the owner of the local Ace, what to do. He suggested using milky spore to kill the insects in the lawn, that the moles feed on.
So last year, we spent $1000 and spread it on the lawn. We have more moles than ever this year. They stop at our neighbor's yard.
The yard across the street is never taken care of. It looks great. We are frustrated, to say the least.
Wish I had that $1000 back!

4 Responses to “moles”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:


    We use a chemical called Talprid.

    First, identify the active mole mounds...some of those little mounds are on 'off shoot' tunnels and only used a dead end street that was used once to get food but no longer needed. Others are part of the primary mole tunnel system that is used by the moles in the area- like a freeway system.

    Killing the insects is just ONE step in the process...yes, you cut off a portion of the food supply- but you have done nothing to get rid of the actual pest.

    We bait the active tunnel system- which gets rid of the moles that are using it.... but future moles may be forthcoming, so you want to do periodic mole maintenace by re-baiting the active tunnels.

    Smile and a year ago, I didn't even know what a mole was..... lol

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:


    moles have very fragile heads....a good whack with a shovel....

    hold on...all mole lovers...I didnt finish....

    a good whack on the [u}ground above[/u] the mole will also do the job...

    ok, is simply mole control trivia...


  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    oops...I guess I didnt code that right to underline...

  4. flash Says:

    You paid that much for Milky Spore? Wow! We use it, kills the beetle grubs (it's natural, but it's icky to apply, very fine powder). Moles are pretty creative in finding things to eat.

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