Home > title insurance

title insurance

June 7th, 2006 at 08:34 pm

We bought a piece of property on Oct. 19th of last year. We are building a spec house on it. (for sale) I just got the title insurance on it today.
I wonder if someone is making a lot of money on title insurance.
Hopefully, we will sell that house this year and the owner will get title insurance on it again. Seems like a rip off, like we could just transfer it over without a fee. (it cost several hundreds for title insurance)

2 Responses to “title insurance”

  1. juligirl Says:

    This is probably a stupid question, but what exactly is a 'spec' house?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    A speculative house. A house you are building just to put up for sale, and no question is stupid!! That is how you learn. I ask all the time.

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