Home > How long do cardinals live?

How long do cardinals live?

June 7th, 2006 at 02:40 pm

I have a cardinal that wakes me up every morning. As soon as it gets light, she starts hitting the window. Then she will go away and come back and do it again. Over and over, until I finally give up. I hung some alum. pans outside but that does not help. I sure wish she would go live somewhere else, but with four full feeders in the yard, I doubt she will.

10 Responses to “How long do cardinals live?”

  1. KarenSue Says:

    We have squirrels that wake us up just about every morning. They start fighting over the sunflower seeds in the feeders and say "Chuck chuck chuck" "che-chee... chuck chuck chuck!" I wish Chuck would quit hogging those seeds so I can sleep in on the weekends!

    Try hanging a small mirror, if you have an extra. Maybe it will help.

  2. sakigt Says:

    Having a cardinal wake you up is better than having an alarm clock do it for you Wink

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I was going to suggest a little cat 'scarecrow' of some sort...

    But I like KarenSue's suggestion of a mirror better!

  4. somerlyn Says:

    I don't think a mirror would help, as I think the bird already sees reflection in the window. It's mating season and it thinks it has a rival and attacks. I do believe their song in the morning tells of it's territory. Maybe cover the window to stop the reflection, just once to see if it helps. If you can that is, if you are on the second story, I don't know.

  5. Weisegeld Says:

    when she finally goes, and it will someday... you might miss it. so don't be too crossed....

  6. bob Says:

    take down the bird seeders

  7. bob Says:

    don't exwely

  8. Karen Says:

    We had the same, we called her "Thumper." It's been a few years since we've seen/heard her, and we still miss her. Now we have feeders, although no thumps (yet), it's great to see the small flock daily.

  9. Dianne Says:

    We had a cardinal last year that came to tap on our windows every day...several times a day. Sometimes he brought a female cardinal with him and a couple of times he had a robin with him.He tapped on the window..and then the robin was like he was teaching him how to do it. The cardinal first came in October and kept on coming until July....we really miss him now that he doesn't come anymore.

  10. Linda Says:

    The cardinal has been alive and well at my house for over a year now. It taps on every window around the house like it's trying to get in. And it that isn't enough it has grown attached to my car side mirrors. I've tried covering those mirrors with plastic bags to cut down on the bird poop he leave behind. I love birds but this one seems to be possessed.

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