Home > Net worth

Net worth

April 30th, 2006 at 10:24 pm

About once a month, I figure out my net worth. I started doing that over 10 years ago. It is fun when the net worth increases and not so fun when it decreases. I did it today and was happy to see my net worth has increased a little this month.
I wish I could start back contributing to my mutual funds. Ever since we started building spec houses 3 years ago, I feel like I need to keep a lot of money in money market accounts. I keep it locally, so I can get it quickly, so I miss out on some of the higher rates from the internet banks.
On the other hand, it is nice not to have a loan at the bank to make payments on.
We have a friend who built a $300,000 spec house that he has not sold in almost a year. I am too scared to ask what his payments on the house are!
Fortunatly, all my husband's houses sell before they are ever finished. We have already had someone tell us they want this house and we just have the roof trusses up. We don't know what the house will sell for??

1 Responses to “Net worth”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Congrats! Sounds like you are doing a wonderful (and smart!) job!

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