Home > Writing it down

Writing it down

April 11th, 2006 at 02:46 pm

Well, yesterday, I got serious about writing down where I spend my cash. I have no trouble with the budget for my bills, but I know I spend too much cash. Well, my first day was not good.

First I went to Wal marts to buy some hummingbird food and spent $91. Then we went out to eat and spent $20, stopped on the way home for gas and spent $29. That is $140 in just one day. That is NOT good!

I won't be going to Wal Mart for a while. Now I am glad that we don't have one, I would be there everyday. I have to drive to N. Carolina to go to the nearest Wal Mart!!

1 Responses to “Writing it down”

  1. carol Says:

    I have had the same trouble for a long time about spending too much cash.
    This is what I've done in order to put the brakes on my cash spending. Hope this might help you. I have a set of 15 small envelopes with each one labeled what that particular envelope is for. When I cash my check, and after I pay myself first, then I divvy up the money into each envelope and seal it, except the one I'm going to use for groceries, etc. Keeps me from having all that cash there in one tempting lump sum, and I will only spend what is in the unseald envelope. When I get home, I place all the envelopes in a large, clear jar. I no longer keep cash in my wallet, so when I want to treat myself out to lunch(which is very seldom), I have to go to the jar, get out the envelope marked for that purpose. For me it's enough of a hassle, that I "spend stingily". Best wishes.

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