Home > vitamins


April 9th, 2006 at 03:20 pm

I am ordering some vitamins. They are cheaper than I can buy them here, and right now they are buy one, get one free. I have to pay for shipping, but it is only $5, so i am still saving money. I am, however, trying something new.
I am on a low carb diet, and have lost a few pounds, but have been stuck at this weight forever.
There is something new out called C-120X that is supposed to block about 50 grams of carbs at a meal high in carbs.
The cost is $19.99 and it says money back guarantee. I know most people do not return things, but I am planning on doing so, if they do not work. I am smart enough to know that most diet products do not work. If they did, we would all be skinny. However, this is a well known vitamin catalog company, so i think I will have no problem getting my money back.

4 Responses to “vitamins”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Keep us posted on the progress! Im hoping it works for you!!

  2. JustAFriend Says:

    I asked my vitamin supplier, which boasts that they have a fantastic new version of C-120X that really works, to show me their study that verifies their claim. The answer was that they had it but they can't release it because of copyright. Not credible. Copyright doesn't mean secret, it means protected ownership.

    That's all you need to know, since we're not hearing about these results anywhere else - which would surely be the case in these days of the obesity epidemic. Maybe I'm wrong... you can verify real effects from things like St. Johns Wart, 5-HTP, Niacin to push triglycerides down, and some others (which science has verified), but I've personally never seen Kava or vitamin combinations that claim to relieve stress actually do it, and I know people who fell for vitamins to regrow hair.

  3. rob Says:

    Great supplements at disocount prices.

  4. Judi Says:

    I have used 5 HTP and Relora for the past 6 months and they DO work. They take the place of anti-depressents. From what I understand they raise your seratonin levels and calm you down. I used to have a 'road rage' kind of tension all the time. EVERYthing irritated the you know what out of me, and I used to wake up 3-4 times a night and wake up really early and stay awake. Not anymore. Things that used to bother me roll off my back and I sleep like a baby. They do not make me feel tired or sleepy but when I'm ready to sleep I can just zonk out. I went off of them for 4 days or so, and my irritability level went through the roof. For women its like a bad PMS, and men I would imagine the 'road rage' angry tension. I take 250 mg. of Relora and 100 mg. of 5 HTP 3x day, religiously. I've never felt better or more relaxed in my life.

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