Home > My dog talks

My dog talks

April 6th, 2006 at 09:57 pm

I swear to you, my dog talks to me. If I am somewhere in the house, Holly comes and stands by me and "talks". That means she wants me to follow her to see what she wants.
Sometimes she goes to the door, that means, go potty. sometimes, to her bowl, that means feed me.
Sometimes she goes to the closet, she wants me to open the door so she can go and hide under the pillows. Sometimes she just stand in a spot in the sunshine. That means she wants a chair or pillow put there. She does NOT lay on the floor. Nor does she eat much dog food. ( I have taken her to the vets and we have finally all given up on her, she will starve herself)
So she gets people food a lot.
Today she wanted to eat, so I fixed her some people food. No, she said to me and went into the pantry.
That means she wants me to microwave it so her dinner will be warm.
Of course I did.
Holly is a poodle, weighs 5 pounds and is the boss of this house!!

3 Responses to “My dog talks”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    My dog is just as spoiled as yours. He hasn't eaten dog food for years, and prefers his heated up too. Must be a small dog trait. Ours is a whopping 4 lbs with his sweater on!

  2. katwoman Says:

    I swear my dog talks to me, too! Bottom line - we are in tune to each other. People have commented about our close relationship. It's definately not a dog/master arrangement.

  3. Thrifty Ray Says:
    1144365699 lab is funny too....she thinks she is a lap dog (ever tried watching tv with an 85 lb lap dog???) She is also a picky eater....if i feed her something she doesnt like, she will find something (a towel, twigs, leaves, etc) and bury the food. crazy girl, but I love her to death.

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