Home > Easter bunnies

Easter bunnies

April 6th, 2006 at 03:34 pm

It is time to get out the easter candy. I like to give little gifts to my waitresses during holidays. At christmas, I gave them each a card with $20 in it (plus their regular tip)
For valentines day, I left them heartshaped candy, with the tip.
Now I have bought some choc. fudge filled bunnies to start leaving with their tip. I wonder what to do for the next holiday?
I did not get my exercise in yesterday cause we had to go to North Carolina, but I did do it the day before, so I have two dollars to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $4550.00
today 2,00
New total $4552.00

1 Responses to “Easter bunnies”

  1. LittleGopher Says:

    You are such a sweet person - I'm sure the waitresses enjoy your thoughtfulness. As far as you not getting in your exercise yesterday - I think dancing in the garage should count for something! Your posts always brighten my day!!

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