Home > 896 steps

896 steps

March 21st, 2006 at 03:50 pm

I walked up and down stairs 28 times yesterday, for a total of 896 steps. I decided to add $1 to my challenge money every time I climbed the stairs 20 times, $2 if I climbed 25 flights or more. Here is my $2

prev. total $4449,00
today 2.00
ew total $4451.00

3 Responses to “896 steps”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    You are making me tired, just reading about this challenge. I don't have any stairs here in the new house............or I'd jump on this one. I might have to do miles on the treadmill here to match you!!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Ima saver- How 'bout we start a thread in the duiscussion area...I suppose under General Discussions- Those don't go away and we can put all of our updates in one place.... I will go set it look for it in the General Discussion threads.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    Sound good to me!

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