Home > Saving Money

Saving Money

March 1st, 2006 at 05:27 pm

I am kind of upset today. I talk on a local forum a lot. Yesterday, one of the newer members mentioned that her son need a trumpet for band and she could not afford it.
I asked if it was possible to make payments on it cause I did not know the cost.
Well, another old time member just jumped all over me about saying that.
She talked about me online and made it obvious that I had made the new member feel put down. (she would not do well on this forum as we ask each other questions all the time)
Actually, I was going to offer to pay the payments on the trumpet myself, so she could have it for free.
Trying to do something nice and is caused a big controvery!!!
Guess I just saved myself over $300!

7 Responses to “Saving Money”

  1. pjmama Says:

    it's amazing how peoples' pride is affected when you try to do a good deed... it's a shame. kudos for you, though! most people aren't that generous.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Well thank you, that makes me feel a little better. They said they had been praying, and I was thinking, well, here I am , ready to buy it for you. People are funny. I offered to pay for an elderly couple's groceries every month and they would not let me.

  3. scottish girl Says:

    Well i think the other member who talked about you online was really nasty.

  4. LittleGopher Says:

    We here know how nice you are!!

  5. Amy752 Says:

    Wow - they don't know where to look! I sold a nice trumpet on Ebay a couple years ago for less than $100..... I wouldn't worry about them! I don't even know you and already think you're one of the coolest ppl here (shhhh!) Wink

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Gosh thanks, you really cheered me up. It is not just me. Yesterday a new guy joined us (he is a green beret, overseas) and he made a joke about stealing cable. His FIL had started a thread about cable and he was just joking around. This same person said some terrible things about him, like did he just escape from jail?)

  7. Anonymous Says:

    You could have just bought the trumpet for the person. This was on a public forum? Which one? Is it archived?

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