Home > 3 weeks til spring

3 weeks til spring

March 1st, 2006 at 06:40 pm

A thought to cheer me up, it is less than 3 weeks til spring. We went to look for some lots today and wound up taking two of them.
It is hard to believe that we sold our first spec house just 3 1/2 years ago for $112,000. Now we just paid (or will pay) $80,000 for each lot! Ouch!!
Land is just sky high around here!
It is warmer outside than it is inside. we don't have screens, so i can't open the windows.
Happy 1st day of March and come on spring, I am ready for you!

1 Responses to “3 weeks til spring”

  1. Joni Says:

    I know what you nean--prices have just soared in my area! (I live in FL) We are building a cabin in Mineral Bluff area. It is a beautiful area. Are you close to Mineral Bluff? The people seem so nice. Where would you suggest to buy cabin flair furniture?

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