Home > 4 days of fast food.

4 days of fast food.

January 31st, 2006 at 05:10 pm

Boy I am glad to be home. We left early Friday morning determined to get to central Fla. before dark. That meant we had to eat our meals in the car.
We had Mcdonald's for breakfast and Wendy's for lunch.
We got in and were informed they had already had dinner. There is only one place to eat in the entrire town, McDonalds so we ate peanuts and candy for supper.
The next morning we were informed that they only eat one kind of cereal for breakfast, so we went to McDonalds.
We were told not to eat lunch, they were taking us out to a fancy place for dinner, but we cheated and Went to Wendy's for a few chicken nuggest.
Dinner was good but I am not used to eating at 4:30, we usually eat after 8 pm.
Breakfast the next morning was runny eggs which I cannot stand, so I ate more candy.
We went to the store for something for lunch and by then, I did not feel so good. For the first time in over 2 years, I bought an egg custard pie and 3 chocolate iced donuts. I had the pie for lunch.
We went to an anniversary party that afternoon and I ate cake.
When we got home at 5pm. we were informed that they were not hungry, they were eating ice cream bars for dinner.
So I had more pie and candy for dinner. Back in the car to come home, we stopped at Mcdonald's for breakfast and Krystal for lunch and ate while driving.
We both gained weight. I have not eaten so badly in all my life.
On top of that, we spent most of our time sitting in a house that was 85 degrees with the heat running.
It was 75 outside and we wore shorts.

It is true, there is no place like home, especially when you can control the food and the heat.

I started out tracking our money each day, but fell behind, but we spent about $200, most of that was for gas. I am looking forward to getting back to my financial challenge.

I did set the heat down to 50 when I left, so I know I saved a little money on heating the house for 4 days!! Time to look forward to the month of february!!!

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