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Archive for April, 2008


April 5th, 2008 at 08:24 pm

Braves didn't win, stock market went down, but I did win 5 games of mahjong. I will add $5 to my challenge money today!!
Prev. total $6800.00
today 5.00
new total $6805.00

$27,000 wedding

April 5th, 2008 at 03:05 pm

I just heard on today's news that the AVERAGE cost of a wedding today is $27,000. What are these people thinking??

I have only ever been to one big wedding!!It was huge with a sit down dinner and open bar. The father of the bride even paid for the hotel rooms for the guests. It must have cost $50,000 for that wedding. One year later, the couple divorced.

My wedding was at home. We provided appetizers and liquor. Someone gave us a small wedding cake. Everyone took pictures with their cameras and gave them to us later. Our entire wedding cost $100. It was a party and we all had fun!! I would not change a thing about it if I could go back! That was 31 years ago. We sure got our money's worth!!

$3.55 a gallon

April 4th, 2008 at 07:58 pm

That is what I am paying for gas! It is cheaper to eat out than buy gas!!
Yesterday, I had a no spend day and the stock market went up a little. Today, I picked up a couple of steaks on sale and saved $3 there. So, $5 more to add to the challenge.
Prev. total $6795.00
today 5.00
new total $6800.00

More $$ for the challenge

April 4th, 2008 at 02:48 pm

I am making up a deposit to take to the bank and put in my savings account this morning. I have $100 in Ridge money to add to the $20 challenge.
Prev. total $6695.00
today 100.00
new total $6795.00

No heat!!

April 4th, 2008 at 01:45 pm

Wow, we have had 3 days without the heat running. However, that has just about come to an end since it is colder today. But it was nice while it lasted. I figured out that on a really cold day, it was taking between $5 and $6 a day to heat the house. It will be much cheaper to run the air conditioning!

March interest

April 3rd, 2008 at 07:28 pm

I noticed that someone added their interest to their $20 challenge. I had wondered about doing that, but decided that I would not. Our interest totaled $2112 for the month, which was about $430 less than I earned last month on less money. I hope rates don't go much lower. This rate cutting is not good for us savers!

net worth went up!!

April 3rd, 2008 at 05:47 pm

My net worth went up for the month of March even tho every mutual fund and stock that I owned went down. But, I was able to add some cash to my savings. I had my monthly insurance premium (which I cancelled) to add to my challenge money today.
Prev. total $6655.00
today 40.00
new total $6695.00

Braves won!

April 3rd, 2008 at 02:35 pm

The braves finally won their first game. (they lost the first three) The stock market went up on Tuesday and I had a no spend day yesterday. That is $3 to add to my challenge money.
Prev. total $6652.00
today 3.00
new total $6655.00

The millionaire lady's husband

April 2nd, 2008 at 10:08 pm

Earlier I wrote a post about being called a millionaire lady! Now let me tell you what happened to my husband because of the way he dresses!
Neither of us dress up and dh wear work clothes. He is a carpenter. all of his work clothes have caulking or paint or something on them. I can buy him new, by tomorrow, those clothes look like work clothes with stains on them.

He has been having trouble with his work van since last summer. He has had it fixed, but the transmission is not working right, the heat and air don't work and it needs new tires. It has 150,000 miles on it.

He just took on a new house to build in the next state over. His old van is not going to make it, so it is time for new.
He stopped at the car place to talk about buying a brand new work van, and no one will even talk to him.
He is not dressed well enough. They don't think he can afford a new vehicle.

I remember when he tried to buy me a new vette for our 25th anniversary and no one would even bother with him.
This has happened at banks too, when we go into open an account that is paying a high rate. The lady will tell us, sorry but you can't open that account. You have to have $50,000 to open it! So I give her a check for $100,000.

I told him to go back to the dealership and talk to the manager! He would have bought one yesterday, if someone would quit treating him like he is just wasting their time.

So what if clothes are not our passion!!

Maybe he should tell the next car salesman that he is married to the millionaire lady!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Think that will work???

The millionaire lady!!

April 2nd, 2008 at 01:47 pm

Dh called yesterday. He had to meet with the truss guy down at the local building supply place and he needed a set of plans that he had left on his drawing table. So, I took the plans down to him.
After I met him there, I went to talk to the new bookkeeper in the office.
After I left the building supply place, one of the younger salesladies came up to dh and asked, "Do you know the millionaire lady?"
Dh said, "who is the millionaire lady"
She said, well she is that blond lady that you spoke to. She always drives a red corvette and she pays a really big bill here every month. That is why we call her the millionaire lady!
Dh said, "yes I know her, that is my wife"

Hey, if you have to be called a name, millionaire lady is a pretty nice name to be called!!

Good stock market day!

April 1st, 2008 at 10:35 pm

Today was a good day for the stock market. I hope it continues. I checked all my stocks and mutual funds and everyone of them are down for the month. I guess this means my net worth will go down for the month of March. I will update my net worth tomorrow! Ican not believe how far C.D. rates have fallen. I have one coming due in a month and now the banks are offering 2.5% !! Good gosh!!

Back to the $20 challenge

April 1st, 2008 at 06:35 pm

I have been kidding around today, but I need to get back to the challenge. I did my grocery shopping yesterday and using coupons and my advantage card, I saved $10 to add to the challenge.
Plus the market went up.
Prev. total $6641.00
today 11.00
new total $6652.00

Trading in the vettes for an old car!!

April 1st, 2008 at 04:09 pm

Well, next I was going to tell you all that I was going to get rid of my 3 vettes and get an old car to ride around in.
By now, you know that I am having fun on April Fool's day!!

(I won't even tell you about the best trick I ever pulled on a friend, but he thought he was being arrested. I posed as April Fuller from the sheriff's dept.) (get it, April Fooler??)

No more eating out!!

April 1st, 2008 at 11:30 am

Ok, this is my new resolution!! I am cooking dinner at home from now on. Every night!! No more eating out!! I am resolved to love making menus, cooking a meal and cleaning it all up, every night!!

April's Fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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