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Archive for August, 2014

Close out for August

August 31st, 2014 at 02:49 pm

WE had a bad storm last night, which knocked out the power from 11 pm til 4 am. I could not sleep, cause the dogs were so nervous. The power kept coming on for just a second, every 20 minutes ago. The lights in the garage door ( opener) would flash, the refrigerator would hum, and they thought someone was here. Molly, the older dog, was about to hyperventilate, and Abbey, the baby, was ready to protect us with all of her 7 pound frame. Poor babies. I finally got up and sat with them til the power came back on.

I should get a check from the sale of my Tim Horton stock next week. Right now my $20 challenge stands at:

Previous total $13,168.00
today 5.00
new total $13,173.00

s/s day

August 28th, 2014 at 02:52 pm

Yesterday was social security day and since I have never cashed a s/s check, I add it to my $20 challenge. I am also adding in $6 for the braves win and one home run.

Prev. total $12,629.00
today 524.00
new total $13,153.00

I have decided not to add my sale of stock to the $20 challenge. It just doesn't seem fair. But I did make $13,700 on the stock, free and clear. The Wendy's Corp. GAVE me the stock, 172 shares about 10 years ago when they merged with Tim Horton.

Good bye Tim

August 26th, 2014 at 08:18 pm

My Tim Horton stock has gone wild. Burger King wants to buy it, so the stock went up about $6 a share.
I sold it thru my Edward Jones broker this morning.

I had never heard of the stock until about 8 years ago. I invested a little bit in Wendy's stock in 1994 because it was my favorite hamburger place. I invested $50 whenever I had the money thru a drop plan.

Back in 2006, they acquird Tim Horton and gave me 172 shares of that stock.
It just sold today for $13,700. Stock that I got for "nothing"!!

I don't know if I should add that to my $20 challenge or not. Anyway, I am very happy with it!!

Do banks still have christmas clubs?

August 23rd, 2014 at 09:00 pm

I wonder, but i doublt it. I still have a christmas club book that I opened back in the early 1990's. I still try to put away $30 a week for christmas. I don't buy many presents; my husband and I need nothing. But I give money to my grandchildren and my great granddaughter. Also, my dog groomer and others.


August 21st, 2014 at 04:34 pm

I wrote, complaining about a bill that I thought should have been pro rated. Today I received a check for $37, which I will add to my challenge money.

Prv. total $12,564.00
today 37.00
new total $12,601.00

Mutual fund challenge
total invested in mutual funds YTD $4000.00
2014 goal $7000.oo


August 17th, 2014 at 04:34 pm

I have been keeping track of my $20 challenge and mutual fund challenge on paper. So far, for the year, my $20 challenge stands at $12,541.00.
My mutual fund challenge stands at $3800.00 added to my mutual funds for the year! ( I just started the mutual fund challenge in May.)

a nickle interest!!

August 13th, 2014 at 02:57 pm

I keep a personal checking account that pays interest. This month my balances ran between $5600.00 and $7800.00. My interst came to a grand, 5 cents!
Oh, for the good old days when interest rates were 5% and up. (I worked for a S&L and we paid 8% on c.d.'s)

a lucky penny

August 9th, 2014 at 07:12 pm

I found a lucky penny yesterday. Maybe, that is why the braves ended their 8 game losing streak! That is the longest I have seen in years. But now they are playing 1st place teams for the next 7 games.
They got 4 homes runs last night. I am adding $5 to the $20 challenge plus $1 for each home run.

Prev. total $12,499.00
today 9.00
new total $12,508.00


August 7th, 2014 at 02:31 pm

I got a very big rebate from the building supply company that my husband deals with. Of course, that means I got a very big bill too; almost $25,000.

My rebate is $1200 which I will add to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $11,299.00
today 1,200.00
new total $12,499.00

Money magazine mistake

August 6th, 2014 at 03:04 pm

I read money magazine every month and have for many years. When I was first learning to invest in mutual funds, money magazine was my guide.
I noticed a mistake on page 26 of this month's magazine. I tried to write them, but I cannot get thru on their computer address and I can not find a mailing address.
Anyway, the mistake is on "crack a CD." They state that you will only lose $100 in penalties for cashing in a 5 year $100,000 CD paying 2%. I am sorry, but the penalty is actually $1000. (I know because I just lost $550 in penalty for cashing in $100,000 at 1.1% My bank was closing and no branches are available in this state.)

I hope someone writes to them and tells them of their mistake.

Ingles grocery shopping

August 6th, 2014 at 02:53 pm

I did my grocery shopping. I saved $17 using my advantage card. Of course, this will be added to my $20 challenge.

prev. total $11,282.00
today 17.00
new total $11,289.00

C & S bank interest

August 4th, 2014 at 12:19 pm

Time to add my bank interest to the $20 savings.

Prev. total $11,098.00
today 184.00
new total $11,282.00

monthly interest

August 3rd, 2014 at 03:24 pm

It is time to add the interest that I am paid on the first of each month, to my $20 challenge.

Prev. total $11,055.00
today 43.00
new total $11,098.00

This cme from capital one accounts.