Home > Rates drop again!

Rates drop again!

December 4th, 2011 at 04:27 pm

The rates at ING have dropped again. Both the savings account and the electric orange checking have dropped to below 1%. I had always planned to live on the interest on my savings someday. I couldn't do that at today's rates. They paid higher interest rates than this in the 1920's. Heck, I have an amortization book and the rates START at 3%.

2 Responses to “Rates drop again!”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    I'm worrying that interest rates are never going to increase. Pretty soon these banks are going to charge us for holding on to our savings! It is an outrage that we get so little. No one can depend on savings for living expenses anymore. Of course, very few people save money like you do.

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I agree, it is an outrage!

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